Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be Female Entrepreneurs of Midland.
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of this group is to empower and uplift women business owners by providing a supportive community, resources, education, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership is open to women and supports the mission and goals of the organization.
Section 2: Admission
Prospective members shall submit an application and may be admitted upon approval by the board of directors.
Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities
Members have the right to participate in group activities, access resources, and vote in elections. Members are responsible for upholding the values and goals of the organization.
Article III: Leadership and Structure
Section 1: Leadership
The group shall be led by an elected Leadership Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Officer.
Section 2: Duties
Each position on the Leadership Committee shall have specific duties outlined in a separate document, ensuring a clear understanding of responsibilities.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held monthly and can be conducted in person.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings can be called by the Leadership Committee or upon request of 51% of members. Notice of special meetings shall be provided in advance.
Article V: Decision-Making
Section 1: Voting
Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members present at meetings where a quorum is met. Each member shall have one vote.
Section 2: Quorum
A quorum, constituting 75% of the membership, is required to conduct official business.
Article VI: Finances
Section 1: Financial Management
The group shall maintain accurate financial records and operate on a transparent budget.
Section 2: Dues
Membership dues are explained in the bylaws below.
Article VII: Amendments
Section 1: Amendment Process
Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted in writing and require a 51% majority vote of members present at a meeting where a quorum is met.
Article VIII: Dissolution
Section 1: Dissolution Process
In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to [charitable organization/cause], as determined by the Leadership Committee.
Article IX: Code of Conduct
Section 1: Respect and Inclusion
All members shall treat each other with respect and work towards creating an inclusive and safe environment for everyone. Members shall follow the bylaws listed below.
Article X: Ratification
Section 1: Ratification
These bylaws shall be ratified by a 51% majority vote of members present at a meeting where a quorum is met.
Pay annually and get access to specified member benefits
Access to monthly membership meetings
Business Resources
Early access and discounts for events hosted/co-hosted by FEM
Business feature in our online membership directory and on our social media
Support of fellow female business owners
Feature in the FEM Newspaper
Guest Spot of FEM Podcast (coming 2025)
Required attendance at least 50% of meetings
Members are strongly encouraged to participate in FEM events outside of regular meetings
Competitive, threatening, bullying, and aggressive, behavior will not be tolerated
The board will vote on dismissal from FEM following a report from a member
Reports will be investigated through a meeting with the board and decided if they constitute a written warning or immediate dismissal. 2 written notices will be given and the third infraction is dismissal
Memebers can nominate and vote on open positions. Board positions will be for one-year terms and committee positions will be the same unless they are for a specific event. The committee for that event will dissolve following the event and a new committee will be formed for the event the following year. Leadership positions can be served consecutively if voted upon.
Meetings are monthly unless otherwise rescheduled or we have an event in the same month. Special event meetings will be called with at least 2 weeks’ notice
If members are dismissed, no refund of dues will be given
Membership dues are $125 annually for new members and $100 for repeat members
Membership dues will be prorated for the first year (September 2023- September 2024). Following our first year, open enrollment will take place yearly in the month of September and memberships will be closed until the following year.
FEM Board Member Roles
1. **President:**
- *Role Description:* The President serves as the leader and chief executive officer of the organization. They provide overall direction to the board, ensuring that it fulfills its mission and operates effectively. The President presides over board meetings, represents the organization to external stakeholders, and works closely with the executive director or CEO to guide the organization's strategic direction. They foster a collaborative and productive board environment, encourage member engagement, and promote the organization's values.
2. **Vice President:**
- *Role Description:* The Vice President supports the President in their duties and assumes their responsibilities in their absence. They often oversee specific board committees, ensuring they operate efficiently and meet their goals. The Vice President collaborates with the President to develop board agendas, helps facilitate board meetings, and assists in long-term strategic planning. They act as a liaison between board members and the executive leadership, fostering effective communication.
3. **Treasurer:**
- *Role Description:* The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the organization's financial matters. They ensure the board and executive leadership receive regular financial reports, review budgets, and monitor financial performance. The Treasurer may chair the finance committee and provide guidance on fundraising and budgeting strategies. They work closely with the executive director and finance staff to maintain the organization's fiscal health and compliance with financial regulations.
4. **Secretary:**
- *Role Description:* The Secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate records of board meetings and organizational documents. They ensure that meeting minutes, bylaws, and other official records are kept up-to-date and accessible to board members. The Secretary also manages board communications, including meeting notices and agendas, and assists in organizing board-related events. They play a vital role in maintaining the organization's governance and compliance.
5. **Officer (Tiebreaker):**
- *Role Description:* The Officer holds a unique role as the tiebreaker vote in board decisions when the board is evenly split on a matter. This position ensures that the board can make timely decisions in cases of deadlock. The Officer must remain impartial and unbiased, carefully considering the information and arguments presented before casting the tie breaking vote. While they don't have specific committee responsibilities, they play a crucial role in maintaining board effectiveness and promoting decision-making consensus. The Officer also acts as a liaison between members of the organization and the executive board.